BSC (TU) Entrance Exam Model Questions for Biological Group

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

B.Sc. Entrance Examination (Biological Group)

Full marks: 100

Time: 2 hrs

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Group A (Zoology)

1. The father of zoology is

a) Robert Hooke

b) Aristotle

c) Linnaeus

d) Theophrastus

2. The study of insects is called

a) Entomology

b) Parasitology

c) Mycology

d) Taxonomy

3. Which group has a radially symmetrical body

a) Protozoa

b) Echinodermata

c) Annelida

d) Mollusca

4. Haemocoelom is present in

a) Arthropoda

b) Annelida

c) Fish

d) Amphibia

5. Water Vascular system is present in

a) Porifera

b) Coelenterata

c) Echinodermata

d) Arthropoda

6. Operculum is used to cover

a) Eye

b) Gill

c) Mouth

d) Ear

7. Which one of the following is an insect

a) Spider

b) Scorpion

c) Prawn

d) Grasshopper

8. Which one is a true fish

a) Cuttlefish

b) Starfish

c) Dogfish

d) Silverfish

9. Which nucleus has a role in conjugation in Paramecium

a) Mega nucleus

b) Micronucleus

c) Macronucleus

d) Cellular nucleus

10. Which Segment has setae present in earthworm

a) 1°                 

b) Last 

c) Clitellar

d) 10°

11. Male genital aperture is situated in

a) 14 segment 

b) 10 segment 

c) 18 segment

d) 17 segment

12. The function of spermatheca in earthworms is to

a) Store sperms 

b) Store ova 

c) Store enzyme

d) Store zygote

13. The causative agent of Tuberculosis is

a) Leishmania 

b) Salmonella 

c) Mycobacterium

d) Taenia

14. Which of the following is a non-communicable disease

a) TB 

b) Kalazar 


d) Cancer

15. Air-borne disease is

a) Typhoid 

b) TB 

c) Filaria

d) Cancer

16. Which season, frogs usually go for aestivation

a) Summer 

b) Winter 

c) Rainy

d) Autumn

17. The artery which supplies the blood to the liver is

a) Renal 

b) Hepatic 

c) Coronary

d) Gastric

18. The testis of the frog is attached to the peritoneum. This Structure is called

a) Mesovarian 

b) Retroperitoned 

c) Nephron

d) Mesorchium

19. Which one of the following is a vestigial organ

a) Forelimb 

b) Hind Limb 

c) Appendix

d) Liver

20. Miller and Urey expt. is designed for verification

a) Darwin theory 

b) Oparin's theory 

c) Lamarche theory

d) Redi theory

21. Theory of “Inheritance of Acquired characters" was proposed by

a) Darwin 

b) Lamark 

c) Hugo de-Vries

d) Huxley

22. Striped muscle is different from unstriped on the basis of

a) Nuclei

b) Myofibrils  

c) Shape

d) Dark and light bands

23. Nephrons are found in

a) kidney 

b) Liver 

c) Testis

d) Ovary

24. Which stage of the embryo, blastocoels present

a) Neurula 

b) Gastrula 

c) Blastula

d) Morula

25. Which one is the hormone released from Adrenal gland

a) Glucagon 

b) Insulin 

c) Mineralocorticoides

d) GSH

26. The enzyme trypsin is released from

a) Stomach 

b) Intestine 

c) Liver

d) Pancreas

27. Which of the following is not a covering of the brain in human

a) Duramater 

b) Epithelium 

c) Piamater

d) Arachnoid

28. The cavity found pelvic girdle of mammal is

a) Acetabulum 

b) Glenoid cavity 

c) Obturator foramen

d) Sigmoid notch

29. Fishes migrating within the ocean is

a) Potamodromous 

b) Amphidromous 

c) Catadromous

d) Ocenodromous

30. Wall lizard moves on the wall due to

a) Vacuum creation 

b) Tail 

c) Leg

d) Nail

31. In vitro fertilization is used for

a) Detection of disorder of fetus

b) Giving birth to the baby 

 c) Women unable to give birth

d) Detection of cancer

32. Which of the following is a wildlife reserve

a) Koshi Tappu 

b) Makalu-Barun 

c) Shivapuri

d) Khaptad

33. Which is an example of reflex action?

a) Vision 

b) Eye-blinking 

c) Movement

d) Reading

Group B (Chemistry)

34. One mole of CO; contains

a) 6.02x 10° atoms of C 

b) 6.02x 10° atoms of O CO,

c) 18.1x 10°? molecule of

d) 3g atoms of CO,

35. Real gases will approach the behavior of ideal gas at:

a) low T, low P 

b) low T, high P 

c) high T, high P

d) high T, low P

36. The electronic configuration of silver atom in the ground state is:

a) [Ar] 3d""4s' c) [Kr] 4d'°5s'

b) [Xe] 4f'*5d"6s' d) [Kr] 4d°5s°

37. Which of the following has the lowest melting point?

a) LiCl 

b) NaCl 

c) KCl

d) RbCl

38. Which of the following bond is non-polar?

a) N-H 


c) F-F


39. The direction of a chemical reaction is the direction of decrease of :

a) Gibb's free energy 

b) Entropy 

c) Enthalpy

d) None

40. The PH of the gastric juice is

a) slightly acidic 

b) highly acidic

c) slightly basic 

d) neutral

41. An oxidizing agent is capable of:

a) giving electrons 

b) accepting electrons 

c) producing anion

d) producing cation

42. The role of a catalyst in a chemical reaction is to change:

a) enthalpy of reaction 

b) nature of products 

c) activation energy

d) equilibrium constant

43. Ozone decolorises vegetable matter due to its:

a) oxidizing action c) hydrolytic action

b) reducing action d) unsaturated nature

44. The strongest acid amongst the following 1s:

a) HF c) HBr

b) HCl d) HI

45. The noble gas element which is used as cryogenic fluid is:

a) He c) Ar

b) Ne d) Kr

46. Which of the following is the weakest base?

a) Mg(OH), c) NaOH

b) Ca(OH), d) KOH

47. German silver is an alloy of:

a) Copper c) Zinc

b) Lead d) Silver

48. The number of isomers of C,H, is

e) 4 g) 6

f) 5 h) 7

49. Marsh gas mainly contains:

a) CoH, c) H,S

b) CH, d) CO

50. Baeyer's reagent is

a) alkaline permanganate c) neutral permanganate

solution solution

b) acidified permanganate d) aqueous bromine solution


51. In the nitration of benzene with a mixture of conc. HNO3 and conc.H2SO4, the active species involved 1s:

a) nitrite ion C) nitronium ion

b) nitrate ion d) nitrogen peroxide

52. In Lassaigne's test, when both N & S are present, a blood-red color

is obtained. This is due to the formation of :

a) ferric ferrocyanide c) ferric thiocyanate

b) ferric cyanide d) ferric hydroxide

53. Which of the following is not a glyceride? :

a) Fat c) Phospholipid

b) Oil d) Soaps

54. Substances which bring the body temperature down are known as:

a) antipyretics Cc) antibiotics

b) analgesics d) none

55. oo U emits an @ particle, the mass number and atomic number of

the product formed are,

a) 236, 92 c) 238, 90

b) 234, 90 d) 236, 90

56. Green vitriol is:

a) CuSQO,. 5H,O ) NiSQO,. 6H,O

b) FeSO,. 7H,O d) ZnSO,. 7H,O

57. Which of the following is a dihydric alcohol ?

a) Glycol c) Glycine

b) Glycerol d) Citric acid

58. Phenol is more acidic than

a) acetic acid C) p-nitrophenol

b) ethyl alcohol d) p-methoxyphenol

59. Salicylic acid is an aromatic compound containing:

a) one-OH group c) one-COOH group and one-

b) one-COOH group OH group

d) two COOH group

60. Methylamine is:

a) slightly acidic c) more basic than NH;

b) less basic than NH; d) neutral

61. Carbylamines reaction is used to test:

a) 1° amine c) 3° amines

b) 2° amines d) none

62. Which of the following types of compounds forms zwitterion :

a) amino acids c) nucleic acids

b) carbohydrate d) lipids

63. Variable valency is exhibited by:

a) transition metals c) alkali metals

b) non-metals d) alkaline earth metals

64. The main contributor of the greenhouse effect is:

a) NO, c) CO,

b) SO, d) OF,

65. Which of the following pairs of ions cannot be separated by H2S in

dil HCl ?

a) Bi*, Sn* c) Fe", Hg*

b) Cu**, Co** d) Zn**, Ni**

66. If 250 ml of 0.25 M NaCl solution 1s diluted with water to a volume

of 500ml, the new concentration of the solution 1s:

a) 0.167 M c) 0.0833 M

b) 0.125 M d) 0.0167 M

67. The primary cells are:

a) rechargeable c) not rechargeable

b) ever lasting d) none

Group C (Botany)

68 Plant cells usually differ from animal cells in the absence of

a) Mitochondria c) Centrioles

b) ER d) Ribosomes

69. Viruses are essentially made of

a) Proteins and nucleic acids c) Lipids and nucleic acids

b) Proteins and d) Starch, proteins and

carbohydrates lipids

70. Difference between Gram +ve and Gram -ve bacteria is in their

a) Cell membrance c) Ribosome

b) Cell wall d) Mitochondria

71. Sexual reproduction in Chlorophyceae occurs by

a) Isogamy c) Oogamy

b) Anisogamy d) All above

72. Fungi can be stained by

a) Cotton blue c) Lactophenol

b) Safranine d) Glycerine

73. The most common group of Algae in lichen is

a) Green algae c) Red algae

b) Blue-green algae d) Brown algae

74. In Marchantia, female sex organs are produced in stalked

structures called

a) Gynophore c) Carpel

b) Megasporophyll d) Archegoniophore

75. Prothallus of fern produces

a) Gametes c) Gametes and spores

b) Spores d) None of above

76. Female cone of Pinus is

a) Flower c) Megasporophyll

b) Inflorescence d) Microsporophyll

77. Ginger is a stem and not a root because

a) It stores food c) It has nodes and

b) Itis bitter in taste internodes

d) It is non-green in colour

78. Collenchyma differs from parenchyma in having

a) Living protoplasm c) Cellulose walls

b) Vacuoles d) Pectin deposits at corners

79. Mycorrhizal root is

a) Akind of root with fungal c) Association of fungus

diease with the root of higher

b) A kind of fungal root plants

d) Akind of undeveloped


80. A bulb is modification of

a) Root c) Leaf

b) Stem d) Fruit

81. What is edible in guava ?

a) Pericarp c) Cotyledons

b) Thalamus d) Perianth

82. Compound leaf

a) Never bears an axillary c) Always arise in the axil of

bud other leaf

b) Never bears terminal bud d) Has an entire lamina

83. Which of the following name is correctly written ?

a) Ficus Bengalensis c) Rosa indica

b) Apis indica d) Mangifera indica

84. Hypogynonus flower refers to having

a) Ovary superior c) Ovary half inferior half

b) Ovary inferior superior

d) Ovary absent

85. ATP formation during photosynthesis is

a) Phosphorylation c) Oxidative

b) Photophosphorylation phosphorylation

d) None of these

86. The number of ATP molecules synthesized in glycolysis of aerobic

respiration is

a) 2 c) 30

b) 8 d) 6

87. The maximum water loss during transpiration is from

a) Lenticels c) Stomata

b) Cuticle d) Hydathodes

88. Dry seeds when placed in water swell up due to

a) Imbibitions c) Diffusion

b) Absorption d) Adsorption

89. Movement in the leaf of Mimosa pudica occurs due to turgor

changes in

a) Pulvinus and pulvinules c) Leaf and leaflets

b) Pinna and pinnules d) Petiole and rachis

90. Which of the following induces cell division?

a) Cytokinins c) Gibberellins

b) Auxins d) Abscisic acid

91. The oxygen in photosynthesis is released from

a) CO, c) Both CO, and H,O0

b) H,O d) Chlorophyll

92. Pyruvic acid is formed at the end of

a) Calvin cycle c) Glycolysis

b) Krebs cycle d) Pentose phosphate pathway

93. Transfer of information from DNA to mRNA is called

a) Transcription c) Translation

b) Transduction d) Amination

94. Genetic code is

a) Singlet c) Triplet

b) Doublet d) None of above

95. TMV contains genetic material

a) Chromosomes c) RNA

b) DNA d) All of above

96. The factors that represent the contrasting pairs of characters are called

a) Dominant and recessive c) Homologous pairs

b) Alleles d) Determinants

97. When frog eats grasshopper which thrives on green plants, the frog is

a) Primary producer c) Primary carnivore

b) Herbivore d) Top consumer

98. 5" June is celebrated as

a) World Population Day c) Word Environment Day

b) World AIDS Day d) World Hygiene Day

99. Vegetative production of new plants

a) Quick production of new plants 

b) Combining good qualities of two varieties

c) Both a) and b)

d) None

100. Anemophily is pollination carried out by

a) Animal c) Water

b) Wind d) Insect

The End

BSC (TU) Entrance Exam Model Question for Biological Group

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